Upon A Kingdom’s Breath


If you want to buy from another country, please send me an email at thepeculiarfairy@gmail.com or DM me on social media. Book three of Return to Folengower trilogy.


Signed copy of UAKB. This is the third (and last) book in the Return to Folengower trilogy.

The first round of copies will come on Nov. 7th! If I do not have copies in, I will order more and ship them out as soon as they come in.


A once-united Folengower now stands torn between the warring Eltrist and the magic bringers. Decades of deceit have passed, and the rightful heir to the throne has been discovered. With brutal conflicts engulfing the land and Amarda teetering on the brink of collapse due to Nniar’s treachery, war ravages the realms, like an unyielding storm. The burden falls on Theodore, the next Ancient One, to forge his path amidst the chaos. He must walk a fine line between leading his own secretive army and pretending to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Amidst the sea of bloodshed, hope dwindles, but Folengower’s fate lies in the hands of those willing to rise above the darkness and fight for unity even in the most harrowing of times. Will Theodore and his allies have the strength and resolve to shape the future of their world, or will the relentless tides of war wash away all they hold dear?


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