Books and baking
Magical Crafts

Fright Filled Strug S’mores

"The menacing cave stood in front of them, dripping with strug. The trees that surrounded them were becoming no more than ghostly shadows." You bake? I'm a bit shocked myself. I haven't always loved baking - and don't get me started on cooking, but over the last few years, I have really enjoyed creating through… Continue reading Fright Filled Strug S’mores

Magical Crafts

Popsicle Stick Fairies!

International Fairy Day Did you know that International Fairy Day was just a few days ago on the 24th? Well, if you didn't know it is such a fun time to dress up and spend the day frolicking in the woods! It's also a great day to add a little magic with your kids/grandchildren or… Continue reading Popsicle Stick Fairies!