New Releases

Upon A Kingdom’s Breath

Pre-orders for the e-book are now available. The release date is October 28th! A once-united Folengower now stands torn between the warring Eltrist and the magic bringers. Decades of deceit have passed, and the rightful heir to the throne has been discovered. With brutal conflicts engulfing the land and Amarda teetering on the brink of… Continue reading Upon A Kingdom’s Breath

Interviews & Reviews

Interviews & Where to find my books

Interviews & Reviews Fantasy/horror author I hope my stories will bring not only an enchanted world to light but also one that makes my readers dig deeper into the meaning. What the moss is going on inside my head? If you have arrived here, I hope it’s because your curiosity in my peculiar forest, aka… Continue reading Interviews & Where to find my books


Goodbye, Theodore Mood Board

First stop, Harthsburg! Anyone else completely obsessed with Pinterest? It's the main app that I really enjoy. I love seeing how creative people are. I am so inspired to do so much like new things with my kid, learn new recipes, or find a ton of things that I would love to buy but can't.… Continue reading Goodbye, Theodore Mood Board

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 26: Hide

#inktober2020writersedition Eyes. Big bulging, red streaked ones were all around me. I had little control over the constant trembling. Even though my heart beat like a drum, not one of those things moved. I stayed hidden behind a rotting tree stump hoping that they would leave once the sun came up. Find more stories on… Continue reading Day 26: Hide

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 10: Hope

#Inktober2020writersedition The fetid swamp now had a trail of blood that stirred the insects to follow it. My sword dug into the bottom like an oar, while my left carried the head of a crimson knight. My exhausted body struggled to the shore. At last, my fingers gripped the carpeted earth. Follow my FB page… Continue reading Day 10: Hope