Inktober Writers Edition

Day 26: Hide

#inktober2020writersedition Eyes. Big bulging, red streaked ones were all around me. I had little control over the constant trembling. Even though my heart beat like a drum, not one of those things moved. I stayed hidden behind a rotting tree stump hoping that they would leave once the sun came up. Find more stories on… Continue reading Day 26: Hide

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 24: Dig

#Inktober2020writersedition The new tunnel was quickly being created by the claws of a friendly badger who had spent months creating an underground labyrinth. Today he fell several feet down. He shook his head and could faintly see a family of gnomes with their mouths agape. The smallest one rushed to help. What else do you… Continue reading Day 24: Dig

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 19: Dizzy

#Inktober2020writersedition My lungs were burning. A gash in my calf continued to trickle blood when I limped. I couldn't remember how long I had been running or when I slowed to barely a jog. My vision now resembled when you peer into a kaleidoscope. I knew my time was almost up. If you want to… Continue reading Day 19: Dizzy

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 15: Outpost

#Inktober2020writersedition "Is anyone there?" Jess waited patiently for any response. The radio was quiet, and he drew another line in his notebook. The wind roared. He surveyed his surroundings like something else had caused it. He slammed his radio down. When he looked up, his body quaked. It wasn't the wind. Check out my new… Continue reading Day 15: Outpost

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 14: Armor

#Inktober2020writersedition In the woods near a cave, armor laid rusting, forgotten by all except for the worms, the mice who had made a nest underneath the breastplate, and weeds that fought tirelessly to grow out sideways. Then she appeared in the night and grabbed it like it never truly was forgotten. Follow me on IG… Continue reading Day 14: Armor

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 9: Throw

#Inktober2020writersedition  50 word stories. "RUN!" She screamed. Her son, teary-eyed, hesitated before sprinting to the mirror that nestled between two decaying stumps. Their attackers were close behind and grabbed his mother. Quickly she ripped off her ruby necklace and threw it towards her son. "Catch!" He caught it and disappeared into the mirror alone. If… Continue reading Day 9: Throw