Inktober Writers Edition

Day 30: Ominous

#inktober2020writersedition October 30th: Another villager has gone missing. The same dark shadow with wings reminiscent of a crow came again. I almost followed it, but I was too cowardly to pursue it.  October 31st: We left baskets of berries and wine outside our doors for an offering to the shadow. All were taken but mine.… Continue reading Day 30: Ominous

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 24: Dig

#Inktober2020writersedition The new tunnel was quickly being created by the claws of a friendly badger who had spent months creating an underground labyrinth. Today he fell several feet down. He shook his head and could faintly see a family of gnomes with their mouths agape. The smallest one rushed to help. What else do you… Continue reading Day 24: Dig

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 22: Chef

#Inktober2020writersedition Cordelia patted her apron, and a gust of flour swirled around. A bat swooped past at the same moment and sneezed. She chuckled and mixed salt in with the other ingredients. It disappeared into the mixture. Her pet spider pushed over a sprig of lavender. Cordelia clasped her hands together. Wander into a new… Continue reading Day 22: Chef

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 21: Sleep

#Inktober2020writersedition Come away with me to the nightly world.  Where there are vicious beasties, forgotten souls, and the graveyard you swore you would never stroll. Your dreams are as real as can be. When you close your eyes, open your mind, and you shall see all there is in the in-between. In need of a… Continue reading Day 21: Sleep

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 20: Coral

#Inktober2020writersedition He peeked out from behind the coral and shook. His eyes widened when another swam past. She joined the rest that were linked together in a circle around seaweed. It towered over them and flowed like a flame. The coral snapped when he shifted. Their ghastly faces turned to him. Surprise! I am having… Continue reading Day 20: Coral

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 18: Loss

#Inktober2020writersedition The water moved like her thoughts. Harsh and distant. She had already done the grueling task of collecting leaves, flowers, and branches to rest her friend on. She squeezed her eyes closed and listened to the sound of the water. Then she created a fire and released her into it. Want to read more?… Continue reading Day 18: Loss

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 16: Rocket

#Inktober2020writersedition Elwynn's ears perked up, and she kicked her legs when soft mist touched her cheeks. She cooed. Curiosity filled her mind when she gazed up at the mobile that hung on the next branch. Stars, moons, and a grey rocket that had red gossamer threads cascaded down like a waterfall. Follow me to Harthsburg...… Continue reading Day 16: Rocket

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 8: Teeth

50 word story. #Inktober2020writersedition My face once full of color was now drained of pigment. As I stared into his peridot eyes, I knew he had forgotten me. His spear-like teeth were inches away from shredding me beyond recognition. I trembled and my hair whipped violently back when he let out a guttural growl.