Inktober Writers Edition

Day 17: Storm

50 word story for #Inktober2020writersedition In the dell, down a shadowy nook, a seed nestled in the soil for more years than anyone could remember. The tale about it had started to decay into existence. But then, as quickly as moth’s wings, she emerged out of the soil with eyes as vengeful as a storm.… Continue reading Day 17: Storm

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 16: Rocket

#Inktober2020writersedition Elwynn's ears perked up, and she kicked her legs when soft mist touched her cheeks. She cooed. Curiosity filled her mind when she gazed up at the mobile that hung on the next branch. Stars, moons, and a grey rocket that had red gossamer threads cascaded down like a waterfall. Follow me to Harthsburg...… Continue reading Day 16: Rocket

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 12: Slippery

#Inktober2020writersedition "Whee!" Peridot beamed as he slid down for the tenth time on flower petals. He fluttered his wings that were now slathered in nectar along with the rest of his tiny body. Clover grinned when he rolled down. "Let's go again," said Clover. Peridot nodded "Race you to the top!" Follow my author journey… Continue reading Day 12: Slippery

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 5: Blade

50 word story. #Inktober2020writersedition Diving into the chilly pond, my bubbles looked like a giant tail. A gleaming light flickered like a flame at the bottom where a cluster of seaweed was. As I parted the seaweed, a crystal-encrusted sword sat atop the sand. I took it proudly like I had just been knighted.

Short Stories


A gust of wind caused a great chilling to send shivers throughout the stone grey hot air balloon that drifted slowly over the town of Carden. The wind happened to only take hostage of one traveler who was no stranger to unsettling situations. The chill was felt through every bone and especially through Valentine’s heart.… Continue reading Different

Short Stories

The Shadows

In the hollow woods, they crept. Every villager had an inkling of what they were and the surrounding villages had their own folk stories to tell, but only Karissa had seen one. It's true that she would laugh at the stories, and dance at the festivals in honor of them called The Shadows. That was… Continue reading The Shadows