Adult Fiction Short Stories

Day 31: Crawl

#inktober2020writersedition I kneeled down and bowed before a crumbling gravestone. The wind blew, and I turned towards the bone white candles that flickered around me. A stormy shadow crawled out and dragged its body out of the grave until its hand could caress my cheek. My soul flowed out like fog. Thank you for following… Continue reading Day 31: Crawl

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 30: Ominous

#inktober2020writersedition October 30th: Another villager has gone missing. The same dark shadow with wings reminiscent of a crow came again. I almost followed it, but I was too cowardly to pursue it.  October 31st: We left baskets of berries and wine outside our doors for an offering to the shadow. All were taken but mine.… Continue reading Day 30: Ominous

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 28: Float

#inktober2020writersedition Every ripple brushed against my back like hundreds of pinpricks. My body was weak and floated along as though I were a forgotten object. After my body had numbed and my eyes closed I heard him. "Are you ready?" "What do you mean?” I replied. Then he pulled me under. Get to know me… Continue reading Day 28: Float

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 26: Hide

#inktober2020writersedition Eyes. Big bulging, red streaked ones were all around me. I had little control over the constant trembling. Even though my heart beat like a drum, not one of those things moved. I stayed hidden behind a rotting tree stump hoping that they would leave once the sun came up. Find more stories on… Continue reading Day 26: Hide

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 25: Hunter

#Inktober2020writersedition  "Aha!" She shouted at a towering amanita mushroom. The little grey mouse took out her thorn and used it to slice through the stem. She jumped back when it wobbled towards her. A grin spread, and she snatched it up. She would trade the gnomes with it for some clothes. Follow my IG to… Continue reading Day 25: Hunter

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 24: Dig

#Inktober2020writersedition The new tunnel was quickly being created by the claws of a friendly badger who had spent months creating an underground labyrinth. Today he fell several feet down. He shook his head and could faintly see a family of gnomes with their mouths agape. The smallest one rushed to help. What else do you… Continue reading Day 24: Dig

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 23: R.I.P

#Inktober2020writersedition There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh-cut grass, the fleeting scent of dying roses, and grief. As I strolled past the rows of graves, I observed more people flock to a new gravestone like crows. What they didn't know is that the grave was empty. They all are empty. Do you want to… Continue reading Day 23: R.I.P

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 22: Chef

#Inktober2020writersedition Cordelia patted her apron, and a gust of flour swirled around. A bat swooped past at the same moment and sneezed. She chuckled and mixed salt in with the other ingredients. It disappeared into the mixture. Her pet spider pushed over a sprig of lavender. Cordelia clasped her hands together. Wander into a new… Continue reading Day 22: Chef