Inktober Writers Edition

Day 20: Coral

#Inktober2020writersedition He peeked out from behind the coral and shook. His eyes widened when another swam past. She joined the rest that were linked together in a circle around seaweed. It towered over them and flowed like a flame. The coral snapped when he shifted. Their ghastly faces turned to him. Surprise! I am having… Continue reading Day 20: Coral

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 19: Dizzy

#Inktober2020writersedition My lungs were burning. A gash in my calf continued to trickle blood when I limped. I couldn't remember how long I had been running or when I slowed to barely a jog. My vision now resembled when you peer into a kaleidoscope. I knew my time was almost up. If you want to… Continue reading Day 19: Dizzy

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 18: Loss

#Inktober2020writersedition The water moved like her thoughts. Harsh and distant. She had already done the grueling task of collecting leaves, flowers, and branches to rest her friend on. She squeezed her eyes closed and listened to the sound of the water. Then she created a fire and released her into it. Want to read more?… Continue reading Day 18: Loss

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 17: Storm

50 word story for #Inktober2020writersedition In the dell, down a shadowy nook, a seed nestled in the soil for more years than anyone could remember. The tale about it had started to decay into existence. But then, as quickly as moth’s wings, she emerged out of the soil with eyes as vengeful as a storm.… Continue reading Day 17: Storm

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 16: Rocket

#Inktober2020writersedition Elwynn's ears perked up, and she kicked her legs when soft mist touched her cheeks. She cooed. Curiosity filled her mind when she gazed up at the mobile that hung on the next branch. Stars, moons, and a grey rocket that had red gossamer threads cascaded down like a waterfall. Follow me to Harthsburg...… Continue reading Day 16: Rocket

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 15: Outpost

#Inktober2020writersedition "Is anyone there?" Jess waited patiently for any response. The radio was quiet, and he drew another line in his notebook. The wind roared. He surveyed his surroundings like something else had caused it. He slammed his radio down. When he looked up, his body quaked. It wasn't the wind. Check out my new… Continue reading Day 15: Outpost

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 14: Armor

#Inktober2020writersedition In the woods near a cave, armor laid rusting, forgotten by all except for the worms, the mice who had made a nest underneath the breastplate, and weeds that fought tirelessly to grow out sideways. Then she appeared in the night and grabbed it like it never truly was forgotten. Follow me on IG… Continue reading Day 14: Armor

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 13: Dune

50 word story. #Inktober2020writersedition Rows of dunes surrounded the lake like guardians. The blustery wind had calmed and the woodland creatures felt safe to come out of hiding. They curiously wandered toward the new formations. An opening appeared in each one and shimmering bodies floated out like balloons. Without hesitation, they protected the earth. My… Continue reading Day 13: Dune

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 12: Slippery

#Inktober2020writersedition "Whee!" Peridot beamed as he slid down for the tenth time on flower petals. He fluttered his wings that were now slathered in nectar along with the rest of his tiny body. Clover grinned when he rolled down. "Let's go again," said Clover. Peridot nodded "Race you to the top!" Follow my author journey… Continue reading Day 12: Slippery

Inktober Writers Edition

Day 11: Disease

#Inktober2020writersedition  50 word story. It wasn't a quiet ride despite the vastness of emptiness. The ferryman ignored my questions as we traveled on murky waters. The boat shrieked at every ripple, the lantern that hung at the front clinked against the hook, and the ferryman tapped his foot like he could hear a melody. To… Continue reading Day 11: Disease